
Big Bow

7:00 AM

I like Big  Bows and I cannot lie!  

I hope you all had a very Happy Holiday! Mine was filled with family, food, and fun. What else could I ask for. Since Christmas I have been under the weather and nursing an upper respiratory infection. I am finally feeling a bit better but definitely have a case of cabin fever! I have 2 more days of antibiotics and hoping to feel 100% better before we say goodbye to 2014! Just wanted to take a moment to wish you all a New Year filled with love, peace, and happiness! 

Thank you for stopping by! 

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  1. THAT is a big bow--& it looks adorable on you! L❤️ve it! :)

  2. Love the bow, definitely a statement piece. Hope you feel better!


  3. Love all of it!! That bow shall be mine! lol. xoxo

  4. Lol that bow is too cute, you rock it well.

  5. Happy New Year! That bow is gorgeous I need it!


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