
A new year, a celebration, and a commitment

8:28 PM

A very special THANK YOU to Not Just Balloons for my Stars Bouquet! 

Today is the first Monday of 2015 and this is my 100th blog post. Although I have been blogging for a while now and my 100th post should have happened some time ago, my relationship with blogging has been one of ups and downs or one may call it an on again off again relationship. I think the main reason for this has to do with whatever I happen to be going through at different times in my life, the worst of it being the loss of my mom. The past few years have been full of learning, acceptance, and personal growth. This year I decided to follow in my friend Kristen's footsteps and instead of making New Years resolutions (which I never ever keep) I decided to choose a word, my word, and work on that word each day. I chose the word "commit". I commit to live each day to the best of my ability. I commit to be the best version of myself, and I commit to putting myself first sometimes because that's ok too. I commit to learning from my mistakes, moving on, and letting go! What will your word be this year and why? Please tell me in the comments below.

I hope you all had a wonderful Holiday Season and I sincerely wish 2015 is wonderful to you!

As always thank you for stopping by!

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  1. Lovely post and beautiful outfit! Love the scarf.


  2. congrats! I love the idea of picking one word, I know you can and will "commit" to all your goals in the coming year!

  3. Congratulations, that was very beautiful. I love you! I chose "be happy" :)

    1. I like your word and I hope you work on sticking to it every day! Love you Jules <3

  4. Congrats on this milestone--so fun! I've been hearing more & more people doing the word of the year thing & I love your choice! I'm thinking hard about mine...I may just need to do this & write about it, myself! :)

    1. Thanks Sara! That's a great idea, I look forward to reading about your word. Xo

  5. first of all you look lovely... second CONGRATS! I love the idea of choosing one word many of the things that you listed I promised to do myself :)

    1. Thanks Steph! That's great I hope you stick to it and I'm here if you need support! Xoxo

  6. Congrats on the 100th post! I love your photos :)

    If you have a sec, I’d like you to check out the latest on my blog: http://www.fashchronicles.blogspot.com


Thank you for stopping by! Your comments are welcomed & appreciated!