
beachy waves

2:07 PM

After spending a day at the beach I love the way my hair gets these tousled messy wavesI'm not quite sure if it's the sand, the sun, the ocean water, or a combination of all but it's a look that I love and have tried to recreate, sometimes with success sometimes not so much.  After trying a few drug store brands and not being completely satisfied I decided to spend a little extra and go for a higher end product. At Sephora I found a couple of options, I asked a few questions, and decided to go with the Bumble & bumble surf spray ($24).

After washing my hair I combed out any knots and sprayed Bb surf spray all over, with a blow dryer I began drying my hair in sections. With the exception of my bangs (which I used a round brush on) I began scrunching and twirling my hair as I dried it. It was pretty easy and dried quickly. For extra volume, when my hair was almost completely dried I flipped it upside down and dried some more. When I was done I sprayed a little more Bb spray and just twirled some hair pieces here & there.  In the end I was satisfied with the look, happy with the amount of time it took to achieve, and glad I spent the extra cash, because for me it was worth it.

I recently cut off a hefty length of my hair but I do think this would look great on long layered hair as well. This was an easy look for those days when you just don't want to bother with the styling, flat ironing, curling iron, etc. Wear it messy as is, add a hair barrette on one side, wear a head band, or even create a messy ponytail, and GO!

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  1. You look seriously gorgeous! Love this look on you. I'll definitely be trying out the product. I've always tried to achieve the look myself but since I have light blonde hair it seems like every product I try leaves me with a hard, crunchy, brassy, frizzy mess :(

  2. Thank you so much! I know what you mean, that has happened to me with other products. The great thing about shopping at Sephora if you're not happy, they're pretty good about taking it back. I've even returned items without a receipt for store credit. I hope this one works for you! Thanks again :)

  3. I have never found a sea salt spray that I liked. So I definitely MUST try this! Your hair looks fab! And your hair is the exact same cut and color as mine. Hehe!

  4. Thank you! Let me know if it works for you :)

  5. This sounds cool. Would probably work really good on Xiena's hair. I'll definitely look into it.
    Thanks for all the Diva updates. ;-)

  6. You're welcome! Hope it works out for her!

  7. Like this one...will try it, hopefully it works on me!

    Thanks for the tip!

  8. Wow thanks I also love the way my hair look when I go to the beach...sometimes I don't wash my hair after the beach because it looks so nice...I will def try this product....thanks again!

  9. Your hair looks great..I need to buy this!!

  10. Thanks Jules! You should definitely try it for your beautiful curls!

  11. Wow, I need to get some your hair looks great!

  12. Thank you! Def worth a try & if you buy at Sephora and it doesn't work for you, you can return it.


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