
Is love really blind?

6:03 AM

I came across these two articles on YouBeauty and just had to pass them along. Fun, interesting, quick read. Hope you enjoy as much as I did, please leave your thoughts/comments below, thanks!

Better-Looking Partner? What it Really Means.

Think your partner is better-looking than you? You're in love!

Thinking that your partner is the better-looking one is actually a good thing. It may mean you’re in love. As it turns out, we’re more attracted to people with similar levels of education, IQ, socio-economic background, and looks. However, researchers have gone even further and found that the old cliché “love is blind” is actually true.

In a study where people were asked to rate their own attractiveness, their partners rated them higher than they rated themselves. Furthermore, there is some science to back up the idea that finding your mate more attractive actually means that you are in a committed, passionate, intimate and satisfying relationship. So don’t try and see through the honeymoon haze, embrace it! The good news continues, because science has found that the haze can extend well beyond the honeymoon.

Find the second article here: 

Is Your Mate Hotter Than You?

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  1. Umm I plead the 5th lol:)

    Thank you for your sweet comments and entering my giveaway hope you win!!



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