
Summer dressing

3:00 AM

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Photo May 29, 12 45 38 PM-X3

Nothing like a great dress for the Summer days ahead. Cool and comfortable, maxi or flowy, long or short. Grab your favorite sandals, your sunnies, maybe even a big floppy hat, and you're good to go. Easy Breezy Summer Style!

EvaMarie is wearing a Kirra maxi racer tank dress paired with Qupid Athena buckle sandals from PacSun.
Jules is wearing an O'Neill spirit within dress paired with Black Poppy printed T-strap sandals also from PacSun.

What's your favorite Summer go-to look? 



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  1. Love it the dresses are so cute❤ the girls look beautiful :* thanks for the tips & ideas looking forward to this summer for sure dresses are definitely going to be added to my all new wardrobe...xoxoxo

    1. Thank you for stopping by! So glad you enjoyed the post!

  2. The girls are gorgeous. And I especially love the striped maxi. I am not ready yet for the white dress. Need a little more sun. Lol!

    1. Soon enough but don't forget your sunscreen! Thanks for stopping by :)

  3. My favorite summer look is a maxi dress and sandals. But when it heats up, the shorter the dress the better! And by the way, you look as beautiful as your girls. When we will see you in some summer dresses????

  4. OMG I'm obsessed with that white dress! And those shoes! I can order online right???

  5. i just bought those shoes! there sooo comfy :) Love this post! maybe I'll pick that dress to match it! :)

  6. My summer style is dressing very simply. Those dresses look perfect for me!

  7. those girls are gorgeous! love the outfits! keep them coming!

  8. Had so much fun taking pictures with you beautiful ladies and josh haha ♥

  9. Love the Qupid sandals, so cute and such a great price! Good pick!

  10. How do you always find the best clothing?? Haha I guess it's time for me to visit PacSun!!

    1. You definitely should! Style doesn't have to break the bank!

  11. Nothing like a white dress on a summer day. Makes me feel angelic. Not! Lol!!!

  12. Simply amazing.....👗
    Very cute and sweet shoes
    Love them👡
    I admire the precious time and effort you put into the trends you share!

    1. Thank you, you're so sweet! I appreciate you stopping by!

  13. Cute dresses and sandles. Beautiful girls too. Keep the fashion tips coming. I need all the help I can get.

  14. My favorite summer look is anything with a great pair of sunglasses!

  15. […] Summer dressing (mylifeinmascara.com) […]

  16. Had so much funnnnn doing this photo shoot! i also must admit that those pacsun sandals have become my favorite go-to shoe for the summer so far! they are so comfortable and match with everything which makes life so much easier haha <3 keep up the fashion tips!

  17. Loving The Maxi Dresses This Summer.. Especially Paired With Those Adroable Sandals. Thanks For The Great Ideas & Letting Us Know Where We Can Find Them!! xoxo

    PS I Agree With Jocelyn.. You ALL Look Beautiful. Can't Wait To See What You Post Next. ❤

  18. You all look great! I really love the white dress! My favorite summer style is definitely a maxi dress with a cute pair of flat sandals. But lately I've been wearing white jeans with a comfy tee and my toms on the weekend. Totally into comfort during the hot weather!

    1. I agree, comfort is key and it can still be stylish & on trend!

  19. The girls look beautiful but I prefer the maxi blue stripe more..... Lovely post.


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