
And the winner is....

4:40 AM

THANK YOU so very much to everyone who participated! I cannot express how much I appreciate your support and I look forward to sharing with you through this blog and of course more GIVEAWAYS are coming your way so stay tuned! A very big THANK YOU to Krystal Cordova (@krystalpistolet) for collaborating with me on this Rafflecopter giveaway!!!


And now the winners of the Mac RiRi-Woo Lipstick Giveaway are.....

  1. Shandie B. Valdez

  2. Elizabeth Estevez

  3. Amy English

Congratulations ladies & thank you for participating! Be sure and email me at mylifeinmascara@gmail.com with your complete name & mailing address, please write RiRi-Woo on the subject line.


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  1. Also, when can I expect the package and how is it being sent out? It's super hot out here (105°+), And I don't want to leave it in my mailbox to melt!

    Sent from my iPhone

  2. Hi, Just sent you an email with all the info. Congrats again!


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