
Neon Sneakers

9:36 PM

Sneakers are typically not my thing but these have won me over! I've been on the search for a great pair with comfort being my first priority. I usually have trouble with footwear because I have a very high arch so finding the right fit can sometimes be a task. While at the doctors office I happen to pick up a copy of Runner's World Magazine which featured 'The Summer 2013 Running Shoe Guide'. These Saucony Kinvara 4 were listed as one of the top 15 for women. As I read the description the runner recommending them mentioned she has a high arch so I though, why not give these a try? Not only are they super lightweight and fit like a glove, but they're neon! How cool is that? I'm not one to believe everything I read but I can honestly say I am very happy with my new neon sneakers!
What's your go-to comfort shoe?  
Thanks for stopping by, please leave your comments below, I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. awesome sneakers! so bright! I wanna get something like that for my summer jogs! thanks for shring :)

  2. I love the new look of your blog! and awesome sneakers.. for the gym or just hanging out. Hope they have something similar for men hahaa

    1. Thanks and yes they do! Just click on the 'summer 2013 running shoe guide' and you will find what you're looking for :)

  3. I'm in loveeeee with the neon sneakers, i think they are a huge trend that is starting up :) love this post!

    1. I'm loving this trend as well. Thank you for stopping by! Xo

  4. LOL these sneaks are a real eye catchers O_O

  5. I love that they match your necklace! Sneakers aren't usually my thing either but those look great, might make me resume my start-running new year's resolution

  6. As a girl who only owns one pair of sneakers .. I definitely think these are a pair I could see myself in! So fabulous! And comfort is always an added bonus ;)

  7. Love the neon sneakers! And the legs too by the way! Lol!

  8. These are by far the most comfortable sneakers I ever owned. I am a VIP Member of Road Runners Sports for some time now and they have never steered me wrong. See you at the NYC Brooklyn Color Run this weekend!

  9. Thanks for the info! Like you, sneakers are typically not my thing either but these look fun!!

  10. Sneakers and jewelry. What a cool and unique combo!


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