
denim on denim

5:00 AM

"Don’t be into trends. Don’t make fashion own you, but you decide what you are, what you want to express by the way you dress and the way you live."  Gianni Versace

Open toe booties by Anne Kleinblog23
Cliniques Chubby Stick lip Balm in Plushest Punch & BonLook Glasses
Banana Republic denim top & Joe Jeans in vintage Gerri wash
Denim with your denim, why the heck not! There's nothing better than a great pair of jeans or two or three.  Well you get the picture. A great pair of  jeans is an absolute staple, in fact it's a MUST have! And who doesn't love a great denim button down? Comfortable, casual, not to mention versatile. You can wear it with dress pants to the office, looks great with white denim jeans in the Spring, as a cover up over your bikini at the beach, and yes you can wear it with your favorite blue jeans too. What's your favorite denim piece in your closet?


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  1. Aida, you are absolutely gorgeous!! And you have awesome style. My favorite denim piece is a old Levi's denim jacket that I have been wearing for over 10 years. I will never part with it.

  2. Love this look A LOT

  3. Loving the denim on denim look ❤ the booties are my fav super sexy😍 with all the trends going on now it kinda feels like the 80's only better clothes...xoxoxo

  4. Denim will never go out of style. I still wear a pair of Lucky jeans that are older than my kids. Nothing makes me feel more comfortable than a pair of broken in jeans. And I love, love the shoes!!!

  5. Wanda Lee CaraballoApril 3, 2013 at 8:52 AM

    Love the look, the shoes are hot! No es la ropa es la modelo!!!

  6. looks great!!!! hot mommaaaa <33

  7. you are hot stuff...love it! xo

  8. I haven't done denim on denim since I heard it referred to as the "Texas tuxedo" (a jean jacket and jeans that is.) of course, your take on it makes it work! Looks cool and the shoes make it fabulous!:) although..brrr ny is still cold:(

  9. Girl, those SHOES are so frikking adorbs! They look super comfy. I love this look on you. You are serving me city/country girl realness <3

  10. loving this denim on denim look with the red lip it makes the outfit pop and those black booties look so comfy... so cute def. one of my favorite looks on you so far...keep it up you hot mama!

  11. I've always been so scared to try denim on denim! haha I feel like I could never pull it off! but you make it look so easy! maybe I should try it out..

  12. you look SO pretty! love the look!

  13. I'm loving this look on you! :)

  14. You absolutely KILLED this look!! All denim with a nice red lip, love, love love!! xoxo

  15. I love denim !!! I can't live without my jeans, and denim jackets!!! You look great, as always!!! Thanks for all the great tips!

  16. l love denim! And I love you!

  17. absolutely adore you in this look! You can never have too much denim, and if you're gonna go for the trend, go hard or go home!! :)

  18. Aidy you look fabulous as always, love the pop of color on your nails and lips.
    my favorite piece of denim is a gap jean jacket you had bought isha haha!

  19. Luv those black booties!!! You look great in these pics!! Besos!!!

  20. Definitely wearing my denim shirt now! Didn't match it up that way, brand new shirt in the closet and still haven't worn it! Thanks for the tip ! Xoxo

  21. Every time I tried to do the denim-on-denim look I would obsess over whether the two blues complement each other! You pull it off perfectly! :)

  22. Loving The Look & Loving Your Blog!!! You Are Def A Fashionista.. 💋

  23. love love love! i have been wanting to try out this denim on denim trend. my fave denim piece is also a chambray button down from BR, and my gap always skinny skinny jeans! hmm...now i have to try it! xoxo

  24. Love denim on denim such a classic look!


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