
NY loves NY fundraiser

11:53 AM


Here I am with Steve Madden designer Jennifer Carr. Jennifer spearheaded the fundraiser which was a huge success!


Silent Art Auction


raffles, raffles, and more raffles!sandy10



On March 23, I was trilled to attend the New York Loves New York Sandy Relief Fundraiser at the Bohemian Beer Garden in Astoria. The fundraiser was spearheaded by Jennifer Carr and all funds raised went to benefit the following causes: Breezy Point Disaster Fund,  Empire State Relief Fund, Lindy Manpower, and Staten Strong. Jennifer is a New York Native and this was her way of giving back to so many affected by Hurricane Sandy this past October. The fundraiser was filled with fun for all ages. Games and face painting for the little ones, raffles, a silent art auction, incredible bar food, yummy cupcakes, beer for the grown ups, and let's not forget an awesome DJ!
Unfortunately so many neighborhoods & families are still suffering from the effects of Sandy. You can still help by making a donation in any amount to the causes mentioned above or a Sandy Relief Charitable Organization of your choice.  Thank you!

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  1. You go girl...werk!!!!

  2. that's so awesome that you attended that event! We gotta support our fellow New Yorkers! I'll be sure to donate!

  3. i love the "ny loves ny" idea! so tragic that people are still suffering. i'd love to make a donation!

  4. Thanks, just showing a little love for my city! Xo

  5. Thanks Sammi!!! You can click on any of those organizations above in BOLD and it will take you right to their page! Thanks again, New Yorkers are very grateful for your time & donation.

  6. This is so cool! I wish I had the chance to go to the event. I'm definitely donating!

  7. I attended this event. Since I was fortunate enough to come out of this terrible storm unscathed, I felt that it was my obligation to give to those who are still suffering today. Even though sometimes we can be at odds with our neighbors, when hardship hits our town, we always come together. Vivo Nueva New York!!

  8. This looks like such a great event, and for a great cause. It's sad to think that there are quite a few people still not in their homes post Sandy. Will definitely donate. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Thanks for reminding us all that many are still suffering from the effects of Sandy. I am donating right now! Thanks Aida!

  10. I am not a New Yorker but a mom from the Midwest. But my heart goes out to those who suffer dearly from unpreventable disasters. You have inspired me to donate to all the charities you mentioned. And you inspire me everyday Aida. Keep on posting!!!

  11. There aren't words that can express the devastation Sandy has caused but I can say that it's amazing that this fund still supports the cause.

  12. Thank you so much, you're incredibly sweet to say that! Stay tuned, Xo

  13. you look great while supporting:)

    Frances O

  14. I donated today! Thanks for reminding us that people are still suffering and need our help.

  15. wow what a great event for such a great cause ! I will def be donating thanks!


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