
Cinderella's ears, a love story

By now Valentine's day is just a memory (hopefully a good one) but LOVE is always in the air. Check out Raqquyah of Adorn New York and her series of love stories in a blog she calls Love Happens. The stories are short, sweet, & delightful or as I like to call them a little break from the everyday.In her own words "Love Happens is a...

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Is love really blind?

I came across these two articles on YouBeauty and just had to pass them along. Fun, interesting, quick read. Hope you enjoy as much as I did, please leave your thoughts/comments below, thanks! Better-Looking Partner? What it Really Means. Think your partner is better-looking than you? You're in love! Thinking that your partner is the better-looking one is actually a good thing. It...

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Valentine's Day....Yay or Nay???

Awww, February 14, Valentine's Day. A day for celebrating Love or is it? Everyone's got an opinion on this, either you love it, hate it, or you're just going with the flow because you feel the pressures of the holiday breathing down your neck and if you didn't do anything to celebrate it well that could spell TROUBLE! Now I'm not just talking about...

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It's in my DNA!

So I want to tell you about this wonderful shoe store I discovered in Williamsburg Brooklyn, DNA Footwear.  From the outside looking in through their huge glass windows I was attracted not only by the vast selection of footwear but also by the decor of the store. If you know me I LOVE decorating & design (I watch a lot of HGTV). Well,...

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beachy waves

After spending a day at the beach I love the way my hair gets these tousled messy waves. I'm not quite sure if it's the sand, the sun, the ocean water, or a combination of all but it's a look that I love and have tried to recreate, sometimes with success sometimes not so much.  After trying a few drug store brands and not being completely satisfied I decided...

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happy birthday......to me :)

So yesterday was Superbowl Sunday but it was also MY BIRTHDAY!!!! Yay! My friends make fun of me because I start counting down the days way way in advance (like around Thanksgiving) and some even question why I or anyone for that matter would like (love) their birthday so much and come to think about it I really can't explain it. I mean yeah it's nice...

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