
so long summer

12:13 PM

Oh just sitting on these beautiful steps reminiscing about Summer.

Is it just me or does Summer always seem to come and go way too quickly? I'm pretty sure I know your answer. Each year before Summer begins I make a mental list of all the things I want to do, places I'd like to visit, and restaurants I'd like to try, in my own city mind you. And every year I'm lucky if I do half those things. At first I thought it was me, but no it's you Summer, it's you! You come and bring sunshine, carefree nights, and cute little dresses, oh how I love dresses. And before I could spend the day at The High Line, visit The Cloisters, or try Melba's famous Southern Friend Chicken, boom you're gone! Now I know what you're thinking, I could do all these things any time of the year, and you're right, but there's just something magical about the Summer time. Could it be the longer day light hours, the sound of the ice cream truck driving down your street, the beach, or those cute little dresses again....
All I know is that when Summer comes around I feel like a kid on the last day of school. Yup, that's the best way I can describe it! Fall may be my favorite season but saying goodbye to Summer is certainly bittersweet. Hope you had a great one! 
Shop the Blog:
Basic Dress By Necessary Clothing
Sawyer Booties By J.Crew Factory
Wool Fedora By J.Crew Factory
Double Horn Pendant Necklace Find Here
Leopard Bag By JCrew Similar Here
Oversized Tortoise Sunglasses By J.Crew Factory

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  1. Summer flew by so quick. You are not alone I to will miss summer. Especially the late summer nights that make you fell like it's still 4:00pm.
    Great post.

    1. Thank you and yes I agree, Summer nights are the BEST!!!


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