
Labor Day and Summer's end

3:30 PM


Yup it's official Summer is over! Well not according to the calendar but as far as I'm concerned September means bye bye Summer and Hello to my favorite Season....FALL! 
In honor of Labor Day & the final days of Summer I'm wearing my white shorts. I kept it neutral with a black top and tan bag, I added a little pop of color and some sparkle with my lipstick, leopard sandals, and jewelry of course. 

Summer comes and goes so quickly, I hope you all had a good one. Enjoy the little bit of Summer that's remains!  

JCrew Blouse / Banana Republic Shorts (similar)  / Sam Edelman Trina Sandal /
 Marc Jacobs Bag / Stella & Dot Sutton Necklace & Nancy Studs


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  1. You look fabulous as always! I see you are a Brooklyn chica too!


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