
Fall into Spring!

5:00 AM

Photo May 02, 7 24 32 AM-L
The Calendar says it's Spring but depending on where you live, it may not feel like it quite yet. Before you put your Fall/Winter wardrobe away and start unpacking your Spring and Summer gear, set aside a few pieces that you can incorporate into your Spring wardrobe while you wait for warmer days ahead.
Photo May 02, 8 24 26 AM-L

Photo May 02, 8 25 16 AM-L

I paired a light chambray shirt dress with my good ol' winter boots (last season from Banana Republic) and my light wool gray pinstripe jacket (thrift shop find).
Photo May 02, 9 35 05 AM-L

Add a bright scarf and a bold lip for a POP of color. Don't be afraid to do stripe on stripe, the combination can be very complimentary.
Photo May 02, 8 53 51 AM-L

A walk in the City on a beautiful, sunny (just a little chilly) Spring day!
Gap chambray dress, similar Here
Palm Springs Scarf Here
BonLook Eyewear Here

Happy Spring Lovelies!

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  1. I'm so in love with this look must haves blazers,jean jacket,boots,scarves don't pack them away especially on some nights when it's a little chilly love love it I need a jean dress like that...ahhhh I love clothes and fashion now being able to actually go into any store and find something that fits is huge lol...thanks for the tips I will definitely be using them xoxoxo :*

  2. I love everything especially the scarf. You make everything look amazing!

  3. Another great ensemble from mylifeinmasacara! Tell me the truth. Do you need eyeglasses or are they purely an accessory? It seems that you have a different pair every week. Love it!!

  4. Who took the last picture? It's really great!

    1. It was taken with an Iphone by my friend and edited by yours truly! Thanks!

  5. Wanda Lee CaraballoMay 15, 2013 at 2:11 PM

    Love everything you put together! Will do the same with some sandals, Thanks for sharing♥♥

  6. that chambray shirt dress is so cute! Its starting to get cooler here in australia :( we're not looking forward to it. We miss the sun!


  7. the entire outfit is so well put together..you look great!!

  8. Another great ensemble! I am actually wearing my red blazer today with a khaki dress. And of course, red lips and nails!

  9. These are great transitional pieces! You look amazing in this colour and it's the first i've seen someone style a chambray dress shirt with brown boots!

  10. Looking Fabulous As Always Doll.. SoOo Loving This Look!!!! xoxo 😘

  11. It's so simple but so striking...love this outfit.

  12. You look great! :D I think the weather in Norway skippet spring and went right on to summer this weekend. Because it has been so warm, almost too warm, that is not like the norwegian weather at all!

  13. Hey! I recognize that look ;) Loving the transition pieces to the outfit.

  14. in LOVE with this look! You pull it off so well, with the boots and little accessories as well as the pink lip..this look is on my list to try new trends. You are an inspiration in not only the blog world but women's fashion and I'm so glad i get to be apart of the movement.

    1. You are incredibly sweet and I truly appreciate your kind words! Xo


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