
Who you calling four eyes......

10:36 AM

Remember the days when wearing prescription glasses was a drag. I mean who wanted to wear glasses, they were usually big, bulky, or just not complimentary. And who could afford the really cool high end designer ones, the ones your insurance didn't cover and neither did your pocket!

Well call me four eyes no more because now-a-days glasses are more than just glasses they're a fashion accessory. Thanks to company's like EyeBuyDirect.com we don't have to spend a lot to be in trend with the latest designs in eye-wear minus the big price tag! EyeBuyDirect not only carries the latest trends in the hottest colors but shopping on the site is super easy. You can even upload your photo and virtually try on different specks to fit your face with easy to follow instructions.

EyeBuyDirect's mission is to make eye glasses affordable and accessible to everyone who needs them. For even greater savings check out Couponology for the latest promo codes & discounts.

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  1. These girls look awesome!! Smart and sexy is the way to go!

  2. love all the accessories and the models look great natural and having fun!


  3. this is such a cute post!! I don't wear glasses, but these ladies make them look so cute, I actually want to get a few pairs (just for that sexy librarian look hehe)


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