
a shift dress and a blazer

11:10 PM

Come Spring & Summer I LIVE in dresses especially shift dresses. It's my favorite style and fit. Flattering and forgiving at the same time which comes in handy cause this girl cannot turn down a cupcake! Wanna take your dress up a notch, just throw on a blazer and skip the flip flops. My go-to site for the most adorable dresses and more is ShopSosie.com and guess what guys.....I've got a promo-code for you! Use mylifeinmascara20 at checkout and save 20% off your online order! You're welcome! 

Happy shopping friends.
Xo, Aida

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  1. love love love this look! I agree - I can't turn down a cupcake either, so flowy & forgiving styles are also my go-to for summer! :)

  2. So cute and I'm loving the new hair.

    1. Thanks, I am enjoying the shorter do myself :)


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