
Frizz to beachy-waves

9:42 PM

When it comes to hair I am NO expert nor do I enjoy doing my own hair for that matter. But going from frizz to beachy waves was super easy for me using only drybar products, so much so that I felt the need to share. This was pre-chop, if you follow me on Instagram you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Here is my step by step pictorial. 

Let me quickly explain: 
Start with clean or day old hair, comb through and separate into sections (I did about 6-8 sections, if you have very thick or long hair you can do as many sections as needed). Take a section of hair, comb through, lightly spray with drybar Money Maker Hairspray, then use the 3 Day Bender Curling Iron to curl away from your face. Keep in mind that the curling iron can get extremely hot so be sure to read and follow complete instructions included before use. Continue to curl the rest of the sections. Once done, loosen the curls with your finger tips and spray some more Money Maker throughout. Tousle and play with your curls/waves until you reach desired look, I prefer my waves loose and messy. Share your favorite easy go-to hair do in the comments below. Thanks! 

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  1. Love the waves, but your chop is FIERCE!!

    1. Thank you Stepha! I am having fun with my short hair!!! Xo

  2. I have heard such great things about the drybar products! Trade hair? ;)

    xx Cara

    1. Thanks Cara! I highly recommend DryBar! If there's is one near you definitely treat yourself :)


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