
Not the same ol'

8:30 AM

When you hear Timberland you may think work boots but have you taken a look lately? Timberland is more fashionable and on trend than ever before. Quality, comfort, and style. Yes, yes, and YES! Click here and check them, I did!

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  1. Wow! I thought Timberland was just work boots and boat shoes. Thanks for the post. I will be checking them out today.

  2. Hot boots for a hot mama!

  3. I love them but I think your boots are sold out! But they have some many others. Never knew Timberland made such trendy styles. Thanks for the post

  4. Sorry that you are still in the "polar vortex" up there but I love the boots!!!

  5. WOW those boots are so cute :) They look super comfy and durable. Not to mention they'll look even better once you break them in a little. Love the whole ensemble too!

  6. What a gorgeous color! I have a pair I've been wearing for years and they still look great but now I may just need an update ;)

  7. I definitely wouldn't have guessed in a million years that those boots were from Timberland! You definitely opened my eyes up, and it looks like I'm going to have to do a little shopping now. :)


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