
Sugar Rush

9:00 AM

A yummy trip down memory lane.....ahh


Mary Jane's an ol' time favorite!

Candy buttons bring back so many wonderful memories. Such a treat that I can now share with my family.


Pretzels, truffles, fudge, oh my!blogcandy14
Emily's Sugar Rush is a little bit of heaven located in Forest Hills, Queens. As soon as I walked in I couldn't help but smile. So many wonderful treats from my youth as well some of today's favorites.

This country chic candy store is family owned and operated, the staff is warm & friendly, and the selection will delight your senses! We're not just talking candy, there's also a large selection of  truffles, pretzels, fudge, cake slices, and so much more. Not to mention they offer vegan, kosher, and gluten free options as well. If you're in the neighborhood you must stop by and treat yourself to a little something sweet!


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  1. OMG! Candy Buttons!!!! Suddenly I have a craving to lick paper.

  2. Aww, I love this. Makes me want to redo my easter baskets!! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Are those candy cigarettes? I used to love those...surprise :-)

  4. this is the post I've been waiting for ! you know how much i love candy :))) .. I could eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner lol

  5. Sugar Daddies! Definitely going to this heavenly candy land!

  6. I must check this place out!!! thanks for the heads up!!

  7. Wanda Lee CaraballoMarch 27, 2013 at 2:49 PM

    Takes me way back, love all of them , Cracker Barrel has a section of retro candy also. Sure to visit when I Go to New York, thanks for sharing!!

  8. Truly brings back Sweet Memories.

  9. oh my that looks sooo yummy! def need to pay them a visit thanks for sharing ;)

  10. this is dangerous - I feel like I could do some serious damage in that chocolate-filled case!! :)

  11. Wonderful pictures...some of the candy was so nostalgic! Cute family owned stores are the best, reminds me of when I was younger :)

  12. Nothing like some good ole fashion candy Mary Janes are my all time favorite :) love me some candy will have to pay them a visit...xoxoxo

  13. WOW! I def have to check this place out! I am seriously addicted to candy! This might be dangerous! :)


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